2023 Scholarship Recipients
Mike Evans increases the scholarship amount awarded once again! 13 scholarships of $10,000 and two $20,000 scholarships were awarded to high school seniors to help encourage education, a total of $170,000 awarded. The following recipients stood out in a very competitive application pool:
Ashley Acevedo
Florida Atlantic University
Jakiya Baker
Murray State
Aydan Easter
University of Arkansas Rich Mountain
Victoria-Celeste Borunda Gomez
Texas A&M University
Jai’Lani Guzman
Prairie View A&M University
Macey Hilton
Texas A&M University
Jaime Huerta
Gonzaga University
Aleya Hurd
Texas A&M University
Wishes to remain anonymous
Samarian Kingston
University of Houston
Mouhamed Ndiaye
Prairie View A&M University
Mahogani St. Jean
Florida A&M University
Devin Stevens Jr.
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Jocelyn Goins Scholarship
The Jocelyn Goins Scholarship is awarded to a student in the Galveston community in memory of Jocelyn Goins. Goins was an educator in Galveston for over 25 years, making direct impacts. Her efforts to help the community went beyond the classroom. She helped keep students off the streets, specifically though organizing a midnight basketball program called SAFE PLAY. Goins passed on November 22, 2017, at the age of 61.
Noah Reyes
Texas A&M University
Joetta Petteway Scholarship
The Joetta Pettway Scholarship is awarded to a deserving student from Galveston in memory of Joetta Petteway. Petteway was a dedicated wife, mother and grandmother and stepped into the motherly role for many of Galveston’s youth through her participation in various sports and community organizations. Pettway was married to Terry Petteway, Mike Evans’ longtime coach and mentor. Joetta Petteway passed away on April 7, 2015, at just 53 years old after her battle with cancer. Though she is physically no longer here, her spirit and legacy will live on with this scholarship.
Neenah Calhoun
University of Texas at Austin